Sex: Separate fact from fiction

Chomas, I won’t lie, sex can be an intimate part of relationships when you feel ready. Aside from procreation (making babies), the act of love-making is a special and intimate bond between partners. Something that really shouldn’t be taken lightly. Now I know you’ve thought about it, and I won’t judge you for that, but what I want for you, chomas, is to be safe and informed. You owe it to your partners, and especially yourselves, to know the facts before you do the deed.

There are a lot of strange myths and stories about sex, stuff that if you actually believed, could get you pregnant, or expose you to potential STDs and STIs (sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections). That’s the last thing you want, trust me.

Myth 1: You can’t get pregnant the first time you have sex

Wrong! From the time you get your first period you are able to conceive, if you have unprotected sex, even if it’s your first time, you could fall pregnant.

Myth 2: You can’t get STIs from oral sex

Wrong! Several infections like syphilis, gonorrhoea, and chlamydia are bacterial in nature and can infect your throat as well. HIV can also be transmitted if there are cuts in the mouth.

Myth 3: You can tell if someone has an STI

Chomas, never assume that you can tell if someone is ‘clean’ because they look like it. Many diseases and infections will not display symptoms until it’s too late. Always be safe, and get tested once you become sexually active.

Myth 4: Condoms decrease pleasure

Wrong! There are many condoms on the market which actually enhance the experience. Plus they keep you protected from disease and unwanted pregnancy, which would definitely not be pleasurable. Always condomize.

Myth 5: STIs aren’t curable

Bacterial STIs like Syphilis, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhoea, can actually be cured with antibiotics and different medicines. Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t catch them again once you’ve had them. Viral infections like HIV, HPV, Hepatitis, and Herpes, cannot be cured.

Myth 6: Birth control is enough

Wrong! Birth control is not 100% effective and definitely will not protect you from STIs.

Myth 7: Condoms are reusable

Wrong! You need to use a new condom every time you have sex. Having sex means being responsible and being aware of the consequences. Don’t listen to gossip stories from uniformed people. Be aware. Be safe. And be smart, Chomas.