Social grants available in South Africa Part 2

Grants for older persons (old-age pension)

If you haven’t read part 1, here’s the link.

Pensioners over 60 years of age will get R1985.

To qualify for this grant, you must be 60 years of age or older, however, you can’t receive an old age pension if you’re in a state institution, such as a care facility. If you’re already receiving another grant, you won’t qualify for an old-age pension.  If you’re married, your spouse must comply with a means test. Here’s a list of the specific qualifying requirements.

Grant in aid 

This is a grant for people who are already receiving a disability, older persons, or war veterans’ grant and are unable to take of themselves. The grant is used to assist with medical bills, nutritious food purchases, and paying for a caregiver to take care of the frail. It’s come out to R480 per person. Have a look at the specific qualifying requirements.

War veteran’s grant

The war veterans grant is for persons who fought in World War l, World War ll, or the Korean War. The grant is up to R2005. The amount will vary and is determined by the result of the means test.

To qualify for this grant, you must be over the age of 60 years old or disabled. You can’t be a recipient of other grants or be cared for in a state institution. Here are other important qualifying requirements you need to meet before applying.

Social relief of distress

This grant is a temporary grant that’s paid for a maximum of 3 months to people in desperate need of financial assistance. The grant may be in the form of a food parcel or a voucher. The amount of the grant is subject to a means test. The amount will vary and is determined by the result of the means test. An example is the COVID-19 relief grant which is R350. Here’s a list of other important qualifying requirements.

To apply for any one of these grants, visit your nearest SASSA office or contact them on 0800 6010 11 for more information.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).