Spring clean your soul

Spring is the season of new beginnings and growth. It’s the perfect time to shrug off the winter slump and start fresh. It’s time to spring clean your soul, your mind and your body!  If you’re anything like me, then your motto is probably also: out with the old and in with the new. Do you have any lingering bad habits? Then it’s time for new, healthy habits. Just like you would declutter your home or rooms when you spring clean, decluttering your mind and soul is a good way to get rid of mindsets and issues you don’t need. Did you know that it takes 21 days to form a new habit? So here are a few tips to get you started: 

Say goodbye to negativity 

This includes negative people. Allow the sunshine into your life and embrace a new, positive attitude. You’ll be amazed at all the good things coming into your life once you remain positive, and when the bad stuff comes around, your coping mechanisms are just so much better.  When you’re feeling negative try focusing on gratitude instead. Try it, every day focus on something you’re thankful for, this will force your brain to focus on positive things.  

Ditch the bad relationships 

While we’re on the subject of negativity, it’s time to evaluate your relationships, and be honest about where they’re at. If you’re unhappy with bae, it’s time to seriously consider your relationship. You might be at a point where you’re wondering if your relationship perhaps needs a break, needs to be given a chance or needs to end. That depends on whether your relationship is healthy or not. Take some time to think about whether you have the trust, equality and respect in your relationship Choma. At the end of the day, make the best decision for yourself – whether it is leaving or staying 

Try something new 

Perhaps a new haircut or colour? Maybe try something new with your fashion choices. A make-over could make you feel fresh and new. What could be better for your soul? If that’s not your vibe, how about learning a new skill like dance classes, learning a new language or learning to draw? New experiences make your mind, body and soul feel refreshed.  

Get healthy and fit 

You know what they say, Choma, “healthy body, healthy mind”. It’s time to kick that lazy winter body into gear and get fit and active, and not just for your bikini. Exercise makes you feel amazing, releasing all sorts of feel-good chemicals into your body – perfect for your soul-spring-clean.  

Forgive and move on 

Spring cleaning is about letting go of things you don’t need anymore, like resentment and bitterness. It’s time to let go of the wrongs of the past, forgive and move on. I know it’s hard to forgive people who have wronged you; sometimes you feel like forgiving them says that what they did is okay. The truth is that when you forgive someone what you’re actually doing is taking control of how you feel about the situation and freeing yourself from that burden.  

Practise self-love 

Don’t forget to forgive yourself as well. It’s a really frustrating part of human nature how hard we can be on ourselves. Time to let go of that and forgive yourself. Revel in how amazing you are and make a pledge to honour yourself daily through self-love. Self-love isn’t just about making yourself feel loved, it’s about doing all the things that show how much you care about yourself and your body, stuff like eating healthy delicious food, getting enough rest each night, taking time off to do the things you enjoy; like long walks or naps on the couch with a good book. 

Now it’s time to get dusting and cleaning. Good luck, Choma. Let me know how it goes. 

Remember, you can talk to me about anything. If you or a friend need advice or help, remember that you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657)