What is sterilization?
Sterilization refers to any process that removes, kills or deactivates all forms of life. Female sterilization is a family planning method, that is aimed at permanently preventing pregnancy. The procedure cannot be reversed and a woman has a slim chance of ever falling pregnant again.
Male sterilization, also known as vasectomy, is a permanent method of contraception. It’s a procedure that stops sperm being ejaculated from the penis during sex, thus preventing conception.
Is sterilization voluntary or can it be forced on an individual?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), no one should be forced to sterilize without providing full consent. Sterilization is by right, supposed to serve as a contraceptive choice, for both women and men. Any person who is 18 years and older and capable of consenting for themselves, may be sterilized at his/her request. Partner consent is not legal but a responsible partner will inform their partner of their decision to take up sterilization. There are documents that have to be filled in for this procedure and there has to be a written consent by the patient. Forced sterilization is a violation of human rights and is not allowed under the South African constitution.
What is the sterilization week aimed at?
South Africa has a sterilization act which protects the rights of individuals to sterilize with their own consent and without prejudice. This means that you have a right to sexual and reproductive health and services, inclusive of sterilization. One must be over the age of 18 years, fully able to consent and in a case where an individual is incompetent due to mental illness, fair process must be done to ensure to sustain their human dignity. Thorough counseling must be done and the process explained, so that an informed choice can be taken…this was aimed at women who were certain that they did not want to conceive further or who being pregnant would be a danger to their lives or health. Men who generally take up sterilization, take it as the only type of contraception option available to them.
So, sterilization week was aimed at promoting the rights that are covered in this act and creating awareness around sterilization as a contraceptive option and means to promote Sexual, Reproductive Health and Rights for individuals.
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