Summer event safety tips

Summer holidays are meant for relaxing and recovering from a hectic year. Whether you’ll be spending your holidays traveling, catching up on your favourite TV shows or hanging out with friends and family – it’s important to remember to stay safe, especially when going out. If you’ve got a few events on your calendar this summer, here are a few safety tips:

Drink responsibly

There’s nothing wrong with having fun and being care-free, especially during the holidays. But this doesn’t mean you should be irresponsible. If you do consume alcohol, make sure you know your limit – so you don’t put your health or safety at risk. Drink lots of water and don’t accept drinks from strangers.

Know your way around

As soon as you get to the event, make sure you know your way around the venue. For example, make sure you know where things like toilets, first aid, and food stalls are. This prevents you or your friends from getting lost at any point during the event.

Have a buddy system

Going out with a friend can make your experience extra special. Consider having a “buddy system” where you and your friends look out for each other. If you do split up for any reason during the event, have a designated meeting time and spot so you can check in with each other every now and then.

Watch your drinks

It’s so easy to trust people you’re chilling with at an event – which is fine, but you must look after your stuff and watch your drinks. Avoid taking too much stuff to events (leave everything except your phone, wallet and keys at home) so you don’t lose anything valuable. Also, remember to always pour your own drinks every time to avoid getting spiked.

It’s been a long year and you are allowed to have a bit of fun. But while you’re having fun, you also need to take all the necessary safety precautions. Remember not to drink and drive or get into a vehicle with a drunk driver for your own safety, and that of other people on the road. 

If you have any other summer event safety tips, share them with me on the comments below. Otherwise, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).