The danger of homophobia in society

Homophobia refers to the fear, discomfort, hatred or mistreatment of people who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. It has to do with how people are treated or oppressed based on their sexual orientation.

Homophobia has been around for a very long time and, sadly, the prejudice comes from a lack of understanding towards people who identify as homosexual. Here is why homophobia is dangerous in society: 

Promotes violence

People who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community often face violence which is motivated by hate towards their gender identity. And unfortunately, that hatred is a driving force for a lot of people to physically and verbally assault, intimidate and verbally abuse homosexual people. 

Have you heard about correctional rape? Well, it’s a horrific homophobic crime where lesbian or bisexual people are raped in order to make them “straight”. First of all, rape is horrific and illegal and it cannot make anybody heterosexual (straight). Homophobia encourages the violation of people’s constitutional rights and that is wrong!

It’s bullying 

A lot of people (especially teenagers) who identify as homosexual are often bullied and insulted because of their gender identity. Any type of bullying is not okay because it negatively affects the person who is being bullied and puts them at a higher risk of developing mental health issues – which is not something anybody should go through. 

It’s important to treat everyone with respect, equality, and dignity regardless of their sexual orientation. There’s no reason to discriminate against anyone because they are different from you. I stand against homophobia because I am an ally and I am #DoneWithSilence. What about you Choma?

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