Think you are pregnant? Here are 5 signs

Missing a period is the most common sign of pregnancy, but for some women, this may not be the case. So, what are some other signs that you may need to look out for if you suspect that you’re pregnant? Here are 5.


Factors like stress, diet and lifestyle changes can cause changes in your period, so it’s important to keep track of your cycle. If your period is late by a week or more, it’s advised that you take a pregnancy test as soon as possible, especially if you’ve had unprotected sex recently.

It’s also wise to take a pregnancy test if you’ve been spotting between periods. Spotting is light bleeding from the vagina, where the color is anything from red to brown. This can occur in the early months of pregnancy and a lot of people confuse it with periods because they can be so similar.

Breast tenderness

Another early sign of pregnancy is breast tenderness. Breasts may feel fuller and heavier, and you might even notice the area around your nipples getting larger and darker. However, you can also experience breast pain and heaviness when your period is approaching. This is because in the days leading up to your period, your estrogen and progesterone levels can fluctuate (increase or decrease) dramatically, which can increase the glands and size of the breasts.

Remember, if you’re experiencing constant soreness, swelling, heaviness, shooting or burning pangs and tightness in your breasts even after your period, it’s advised to see a healthcare professional and get medical attention.

Morning sickness

Morning sickness is a very common symptom of pregnancy, which is often described as nausea and occasional (or frequent) vomiting. Although not everyone experiences morning sickness, it usually happens within the first month of pregnancy and is often one of the first signs.

Feeling dizzy and tired

Headaches, exhaustion and dizziness are common during early days of pregnancy. This happens because of hormonal changes in the body and the increased blood volume.

Shortness of breath

A lot of women experience shortness of breath during the early months of pregnancy. This is because of a lot of factors – from a growing uterus (womb), to increased demands on your heart. If you’ve been experiencing some of these symptoms, then it’s a good idea to take a pregnancy test. 

Testing for Pregnancy

You can test for pregnancy for free at any local clinic or buy a test at your nearest pharmacy for as little as R42.00. If you go to the clinic, a quick test will be done and you’ll have your results within minutes. If you choose buy a home pregnancy test, it’s important that you read and follow the instructions on the box for accurate results. It’s also recommended that you take your home pregnancy test first thing in the morning. Remember that a DIY pregnancy test is not accurate and will probably give you a false result.

It’s important to test for pregnancy as early as possible to avoid doing anything that may affect your health and that of your baby if you are pregnant. This also gives you time to look at your options  and decide what’s best for you. You can take a pregnancy test as early as 3 weeks after having unprotected sex.

Pregnancy symptoms are different for every woman. Some women notice symptoms really early on, while others don’t have any. If you’re sexually active and have missed a period and are experiencing any of the signs I’ve mentioned, then it’s advisable to take a pregnancy test. Remember, if you and your partner are not ready for a baby, it’s good to use the dual protection method (using a condom with a contraceptive such as the pill) to prevent pregnancy and protect yourselves against STIs.

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