Tips for same-sex relationships

When it comes to dating, same-sex relationships need work just like any other relationship. Even in a country such as SA that embraces diversity, some same sex-relationships, particularly those that are ‘coming out’, are faced with hurdles such as hiding their relationships from friends and family and fearing their reactions. Finding potential partners may also seem complicated when you’re coming out and you don’t know how to ask that girl out.

Chomas, there is a lot to deal with! With all this being said, many people in same sex relationships may forget to enjoy their relationships because of the fear of how society may react! Being in same-sex relationships may be perceived as difficult and unfamiliar for people, but they are actually not much different to any other relationship.

Here are some same-sex relationship tips which show that being in a same-sex relationship is just like being in any relationship.


Always remember to communicate. No relationship can exist without constant communication, especially sharing your feelings and emotions face-to-face. Even though your partner is the same sex as you, that doesn’t mean that they can magically read your mind. Most people have the ídea’ that because the couple is the same sex, that automatically will know what the other wants. This is extremely important and should be a priority in any relationship! Good communication develops a solid foundation for a happy and healthy relationship. Get talking!


In all relationships, listen to your partner, whether you are in the middle of a disagreement or you are opening up to each other on a special date. By doing this you will gain better understanding of your partners’ thoughts and feelings. What’s obvious to you might not be obvious to them. Openness and honesty is so important.

Have each other’s backs

With all the hurdles that same-sex relationships may face, it is important to respect each other and know that you might both be in the same boat. Yes, being part of a relationship can sometimes make you feel vulnerable and that’s where trust becomes so important chomas. Just like a good friendship, lean on each other and be each other’s support system. All relationships face challenges, the only difference is that they come in different shapes and forms. Be there for each other!

Find out about your partner’s expectations

It is important to remember that two people could go into a relationship together but make the mistake of assuming that they have the same interests at heart. Before making any assumptions, make sure you want the same things from the relationship because not doing so causes unrealistic expectations from the other partner. What makes dating someone of the same sex difficult, is that at times people may think they are going through a phase and later decide they were just flirting and don’t want something more serious or even realize that they are into a different sex. Always make sure both your intentions are made clear and decide if it’s the kind of relationship you’d like to have.

Know what you want

Every single relationship is different because we are all unique individuals and there isn’t a one-size fits all. Start by knowing what you want, know if you want a fling or a more serious relationship. Don’t rush into anything that you may not be ready for. Think about it…this is the same principle that applies to all types of relationships including friendships.

Same-sex relationships are not different at all and at the end of the day what’s important is that you follow your heart and be true to yourself.