Tips for starting off the New Year Single

We’ve all been there before; everything is going well with your boyfriend and then out of nowhere he wants to end things. Even worse when this happens at the end of the year, when you thought you would be starting the New Year off with your guy, but you end up having to start it off alone. Ngedwa zwi. Eish.

Breaking up can feel like the worst time of your life, when everything just comes crashing down. But if you take a moment to calm down, breathe and think about things, you would realise that breaking up is not such a bad thing. If you’re wondering how moving on soon after a break-up is possible, just follow these few tips and soon you’ll be back to your fabulous, fierce self.

It’s okay to cry

This might sounds like weak advice but just think about it for a second. If you let yourself just be sad and get all those emotions out, it’s easier to deal. There’s no use pretending that you’re fine and hoping that your ex man will come crawling back when he sees how well you’re coping – especially if on the inside you’re hurting.

So just go through the motions. Let yourself be sad about it, but not for too long. 

Get your girls

This is the best time to be around friends. Let’s be honest, when we find ourselves in a relationship we tend to forget about our friends. The boo takes up all our focus. But at a time like this, it’s the ex who needs to step to the left. We need our girls for support, and to remind us that we can have fun without having a man around. Meet up with your girls, go out and do something fun and don’t feel bad about it. 

Make yourself feel good

When you need a quick pick-me-up, one of the best things to do is look good. When you’ve just gone through a break-up it’s tempting to want to just forget about waking up and getting dressed. This is exactly why you SHOULD get up and get dressed. This doesn’t mean that you need to go out and get a new wardrobe, this just means taking care of yourself in such a way that when you walk out of that door you’re confident, and know that you’re H.A.W.T!

No matter what your boy says to you about you when the two of you break up, just remember your worth. Remember that being single is not a train smash.

Be single for a while and to enjoy your own company. It will also give you the space to love yourself and be responsible for your own happiness. So when another guy comes along you can make sure that he is worth your time.