What is a Sugar Daddy?

Hey, Chomas, have you ever heard of a ‘sugar daddy’, or know of someone who is dating a ‘sugar daddy’? There are different stories around where the term ‘sugar daddy’ actually comes from, but it is commonly used to describe a richer, older man who gives a younger woman or girl gifts and money in exchange for sexual favours or company.

Some ‘sugar daddies’ are referred to as ‘sponsors’ or ‘financers’ because the main reason for having a ‘sugar daddy’ is so they can provide financially for the person they are dating or seeing.

Some say that a sugar daddy doesn’t have to be an old man, he just has to be older than you and be the one providing you with gifts, money etc. However, a sugar daddy could be anyone five years older than his partner.

Most of the time, ‘sugar daddies’ are in a committed relationship or are married. In such cases, their partner could be aware of this and might even be okay with it because of the agreement between them. At other times, the partner might be aware that their ‘sugar daddy’ has a partner but live in hope that he will leave the committed relationship for her.

‘Sugar daddies’ are often seen as having more control in a relationship because they are the ones who help their younger partner maintain a certain lifestyle, giving the sugar daddy the authority to run the relationship as he sees fit. However, a girl or a young woman always have a choice to be or not to be with a sugar daddy.

What do you think a ‘sugar daddy’ is chomas? Is it a relationship between a much older (and richer) man and a much younger girl?

Share your opinion in the comments section.