What is ‘Ask Choma’?

Does he love me? How do I move on after losing my boyfriend?  How do I ‘come out’ to my family? How do I deal with parents that make decisions for me? How do I ask my friends to respect my choice to wait to have sex?

Chomas, these are some of the questions that I have been getting in the past few months and I’m so touched that you have trusted me enough with this information.

I understand that there are days where you don’t feel like talking to anyone, even your best friend, about things that bother you or too personal to share. This could be because you’re afraid of being judged or you don’t think that anyone can help you find a solution. But there is always someone out there willing to help you, including me, your Choma. I am always ready to lend an ear and give advice.

So, how do you go about asking Choma for advice?

All of the questions you ask me will be private, which means only you and I will see the communication. If it’s your first time asking me a question, then here’s how it works.

Click on ‘Ask Choma’. After you’ve clicked there, you will see the word ‘Title’. This is the heading that will describe what you want to talk about; for example, ‘How does the female condom work?’

Once you are done writing the title there, scroll down to ‘Question’ where you can go into detail and explain why you want to know how the female condom works. Once you are satisfied with your question, click on ‘Send Question’ and I will receive it and get back to you with advice as soon as I can.

So if you have any questions about something bothering you or going through something you’re not comfortable speaking to anyone else about, you are more than welcome to ask me, chomas. I’m here for you and I will answer even your most personal questions. Do you have a question right now? Take advantage of the revamped feature and simply visit the ‘Ask Choma’ section.