What is childhood trauma and how do you heal from it?

Dealing with a traumatic childhood can have long-lasting effects on you in your adult life. That’s why it’s important to recognise the signs of childhood trauma so that you can seek help and healing. Here’s more.

What is childhood trauma?

Childhood trauma is when a child goes through a tough situation that causes trauma (the response to a deeply distressing situation that’s overwhelmingly difficult and causes feelings of helplessness). Traumatic situations include abuse, neglect, witnessing abuse or assault, the death of a loved one, severe illness or injury and natural disasters.

These traumatic situations may have happened a long time ago, but they can affect you as an adult and it’s important to deal with the trauma in order to heal and build a healthier relationship with yourself and others.

How does it affect you later in life?

When people don’t have the education and tools around dealing with trauma, they may think that simply living through it and allowing time to pass will bring about healing, but this is not true. Childhood trauma can show up in adulthood as the inability to trust others, struggling in school or at work, experiencing heavy feelings of shame, guilt and anger, and being unable to control your emotions and responses. People who have experienced a trauma as children are also likely to be depressed, struggle with anxiety and even drug use and suicide.

Can it be resolved?

You can heal from childhood trauma if you get professional help. If you’ve experienced a traumatic situation or can relate to the feelings I’ve mentioned above, then it’s vital for you to seek help. You can contact these helplines for assistance:

Suicide Crisis Line
0800 567 567
SMS 31393

SADAG Mental Health Line
011 234 4837

Lifeline 24 Hour Counselling
011 422 4242 or 0861 322 322

You deserve to live a healthy and happy life that’s free of the mental effects of childhood trauma, Choma. So, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. It may be extremely challenging to work through these feelings, but healing does come eventually and you are worthy of it. Don’t give up!

Remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).