Choma Magazine is all about supporting positive change by encouraging a better tomorrow and creating a safe space for young people (especially young women and girls) to be, express and educate themselves and support each other Choma is your best friend, your big sister, someone you can trust and confide in about anything, Choma has your back!
So many of you have shared your stories and your questions, many of which have been heartbreaking, some heartwarming and some eye-opening – but all your messages have the highlighted the fact that there needs to be a platform where you can express yourselves and make positive change happen in your life or in your community. It’s time to be #DoneWithSilence, and use your voices on your social media platform of choice to be heard about the change you want to see in the world. We want to hear from you, what do you stand for and even stand against and what are you done being silent about? It’s time to take action by speaking your truth and encouraging others to do the same to create an impact in our world positively through critical and constructive conversations. This is where the social media campaign #DoneWithSilence comes in.
#DoneWithSilence is a new social media campaign thats plugged into the Choma Magazine website made specifically for you, and other Chomas, to make your voices heard and allowing you to be a part of the greater conversation. It’s not about others telling you what to think, but about you sharing your OWN opinion Choma. This campaign allows you to let everyone know what you stand against and what you stand for when it comes to the issues and changes you wish to see in society and more importantly about pledging what you are done being silent about so we can help create a change in the world with one voice at a time.
For example, you might be for free sanitary pads, ending HIV stigma, against gender-based violence, the high fees of education, substance abuse or gang violence in your community and society. You can visit the Done With Silence platform to express your feelings about these things by createing a social media post about it and encouraging your fellow peers to also talk about the changes they want to see. It can be anything Choma.
How does it work?
The point of #DoneWithSilence is to get enough people talking about the changes they want to see so that we can show the world what young people really care about, what they are done being silent about, what they are pladging for and what change they would like to see in the world. It’s about not letting others be a voice for you, but you being a voice for yourself and you being a part of the change you want to see, one voice at a time.
You can now be #DoneWithSilence here.
The #DoneWithSilence social wall will be made up of all your posts, as well as posts by other community members. To be #DoneWithSilence, you simply have to submit a post. These are the steps you’ll be following:
Step 1: Go to “Post on Twitter/ Facebook/Instagram”
Step 2: You will get redirected to the social media platform you chose
Step 3: Fill out the message section that explains the kind of societal change you want to see and why you are done being silent about it
Step 4: Tag @Chomamag and use the hashtag #DoneWithSilence and click send.
These steps are simply for you to post the reason you’re #donewithsilence about any societal issue that you want to speak up against – on Choma’s Facebook wall, on your Twitter or Instagram profile using the hashtag #donewithsilence.
In order for your post to appear on Choma’s social wall, it has to include the hashtag #DoneWithSilence, and must not contain hate speech because the campaign is about creating a positive change through online activism.
Once your post has been approved, your post will be featured in the “Campaign Posts” on the main page. If your post gets a lot of retweets or shares, it might even start trending and if we get enough users interested in this topic we can help try and create change.
Remember Choma, your post must be about positive change so it can be approved!
The #DoneWithSilence section is live, so you can be #DoneWithSilence here. Will you be using your voice for the change you want to see? Let me know.
Remember, you can also send me a message to talk to me about anything. So if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).