What it means to have a supportive sisterhood

A sisterhood is basically a group of like-minded girls (women), who share similar experiences and concerns. Sisterhood isn’t limited to blood relatives, which means that you and your friends can cultivate a strong bond and support system as well. But what does a supportive sisterhood look like? Read this to learn more.

You feel empowered

A supportive sisterhood is one that empowers you. In other words, your friends should be able to encourage you to follow your dreams and work hard. Your sisterhood will challenge you to do better, but will never compete with you. They want you to be the best version of you!

You feel worthy

Your sisterhood will never allow you to talk negatively about yourself or let you believe that you’re not good enough. Instead, they’ll encourage you to accept your weaknesses while reminding you of your strengths and helping you celebrate them.

There for you in times of need

Whenever you feel vulnerable and in need of emotional support, your sisterhood will show you compassion and empathy. They won’t judge you but they’ll offer you a shoulder to cry on as well as honest advice whenever you need it.

You feel safe and secure

Your sisterhood should always have your back. This means that you can talk about your concerns and problems and feel safe doing so. You’ll feel pretty confident that your secrets won’t be spilled. Remember that someone who discusses your issues with other people isn’t your friend, Choma.

Your good friends will be able to tell you when you or they are wrong and apologise if they’ve hurt you. Good friends won’t try to bully you into doing something you don’t want to do or something that could harm you. They won’t try pressure you into having sex before you’re ready, or drink alcohol or take drugs. Good friends always want what’s best for you.

Sisterhood is fun

In a supportive sisterhood, there’s a time be serious but there’s also a time to let your hair down and have a good time. You should be able to joke around, have a good laugh and have safe fun.

We all need a supportive sisterhood in our lives, but it’s important to remember that supportive and meaningful relationships take time to build. Also keep in mind that you need to practice being a supportive friend to your sisterhood too, by making use of the qualities I mentioned above.

Remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).