What to do if one of your family members is showing signs of COVID-19?

Although we are practicing social distancing, there’s still a possibility of contracting (and spreading) COVID-19. What happens if you or a loved one starts showing symptoms of the virus? Here’s help.

Encourage them to self-isolate

Self-isolation means avoiding face-to-face contact with other people as much as possible. It might be difficult for someone to self-isolate if you live in a small space, but the affected family member can try to stay in a separate part of the house or room and limit contact with everyone else.

Prevent the spread of the virus

If a family member is showing symptoms related to COVID-19 it’s best to take safety measures before they get tested so that if they do test positive, the risk of infecting others is reduced. Encourage them to cover their mouth and nose when they sneeze or cough with a tissue (they should make sure this is thrown away immediately). It’s also important to make sure that all family members wash their hands regularly with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

Ask them to get tested

Advise the person to get tested by calling the NICD (National Institute of Communicable Diseases) on 0800 029 999. They can also go to the clinic/doctor but they must make sure that they are wearing a mask and take social distancing measures at all times.

Disinfect shared spaces

Make sure that all shared spaces, like the kitchen and bathroom, are disinfected with a cleaning detergent that has bleach in it. All surfaces and door handles need to be cleaned as often as possible.

Allow air in the house

Windows need to be opened for air to flow in and out of the house. This will allow the air to be purified and decrease the chances of spreading the virus. If you have a fan, then you should keep it on to allow air to flow.

Be supportive

Offer your loved one support by helping them monitor their symptoms and asking them how they feel. If you think they may be depressed or anxious, encourage them to get help by contacting SADAG or any other platform that offers counselling online.

What happens if they test positive?

If someone in your household tests positive for COVID-19, they will be required to self-isolate for 14 days if they are not sick and if they are very sick, they will be hospitalised. The NICD might request that everyone in the household get tested too, just to be safe. After the 14-day isolation, the infected person can end their isolation if they are feeling better, but they should consult a healthcare professional if they are still not well.

It is possible to get re-infected with COVID-19, which is why you or your family member should make sure you continue to practice social distancing and follow the rules of the lockdown, even after recovering from the virus.

Remember that COVID-19 can infect anyone, which is why we all have to take the necessary safety precautions by staying home, washing our hands regularly and practicing social distancing. We should also be supportive and kind towards loved ones who are infected by this illness.

For more information about COVID-19 you can check out the SA Coronavirus website.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657)