What to do if you feel unloved in a relationship

Being loved is an amazing feeling that every one of us deserves to experience. But because relationships require equal effort and work from both partners, some people may take love for granted. When one partner puts in more effort than the other, it’s easy to feel unloved – which hurts. Here’s what you can do if you feel unloved in your relationship.

Consider their love language

Sometimes you might feel like your partner doesn’t care or love you anymore but it could just be that they don’t express love in the same way that you do. That’s why knowing your partner’s  love language is important because it helps you understand how they show love.

Speak about it

Many couples tend to avoid some conversations because they don’t want to make the other partner feel uncomfortable. But the truth is, uncomfortable conversations, like when you start feeling unloved – have to happen sometimes. Speak to your partner about it and come up with possible solutions on making this hurdle easier to overcome.

Invest time  

Life can get the best of us and before we know it, we are too busy for our relationships. There’s nothing wrong with you or your partner being busy, but always try to make time for each other.

Be honest with yourself

When you’ve tried everything to make the relationship work and things don’t change for the better, you have to be honest with yourself and admit that it’s not working. It doesn’t make sense to hold on to a love that’s no longer there. I know giving up on someone who loves you isn’t easy because you still have the hope that it can work if you try one more time, but holding on to a loveless relationship will only hurt you more.  

Regardless of the time you spent loving someone, you should always know that love shouldn’t feel one-sided, and leaving a relationship that makes you feel unloved doesn’t mean that you won’t embrace love again.  

Remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 365).