What’s your STI IQ?

Choma, whether you like it or not, STIs are real and yes, ANYONE can get infected by them. The more we talk about them, the less likely we will get uncomfortable about the topic. The more comfortable we feel every time the topic of STIs is brought up with our friends, partners or even parents, the more we get to debunk myths about condoms and the less likely we are to spread or contract STIs. Take this quiz and test how much you know about STIs!

 1) What does ‘STI’ stand for?

  1. Sexy Time Indoors
  2. Sexually Terrible Information
  3. Sexual Training Inspection
  4. Sexually Transmitted Infections

 2) The female condoms are just for vaginal sex.

  1. Yes, of course!
  2. Not only that, they can also be used during anal sex.
  3. No, it helps with both stimulation and prevention against STIs
  4. B and C

 3) To avoid spreading herpes to other people, you should:

  1. Avoid sex when there are sores present
  2. Use safer sex practices (such as condoms or dental dams) all the time
  3. Wash your hands after contact with sores
  4. All of the above

 4) What is this?

  1. Duh! A bandage
  2. The contraceptive patch.
  3. A sticker to help lose weight
  4. A very technological pad

 5) The most common symptom of an STI is___.

  1. a fever
  2. a consistent cough
  3. no symptoms
  4. an unusual discharge

 6) Which three STIs can be passed on via oral sex?

  1. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), herpes and gonorrhea
  2. Hepatitis, HIV and syphilis
  3. Chlamydia, herpes and hepatitis
  4. All of the above

 7) If you or your partner is tested and is under treatment for an STI, it’s safe to have just oral sex.

  1. So true.
  2. No, you or your partner still risk contracting or spreading the STI.
  3. Depends on the type of STI.
  4. I’m not sure.

 8) Which birth control also prevents STIs?

  1. The female and male condom
  2. The patch
  3. Implanon
  4. The cervical cap

 9) You can get a STI such as____, through skin-to-contact with an infected area or sore.

  1. HIV
  2. herpes or genital warts
  3. gonorrhea
  4. chlamydia

 10) This birth control is called an IUD. What does IUD stand for and can it protect you against STIs?

  1. Intra uterine device; no.
  2. Internal utensil design; no.
  3. Incendiary uterine deposit; yes.
  4. Inner uterine decorator; no.


Now check your answers below choma. How did you score?

Answers: 1D; 2D; 3D; 4B; 5C; 6D; 7B; 8A; 9B; 10A