Why being generous is good for you

Being generous to others is always good. It keeps the cycle of good going and helps uplift the lives of others. But did you know that being generous can also boost and benefit your own health?

Whether it’s giving R10 to a beggar on the street or offering to carry the shopping packets for the Gogo next door, studies have shown that being generous can:

Lower stress levels

Being stingy with your money is more likely to raise your stress levels. Being stingy and then feeling guilty about it adds to the stress. Give to the needy and poor, feel good about it and keep your stress in check at the same time.

Help you live longer

High stress levels increase your chance of serious illness and in turn a higher risk of dying. Running errands for others or offering to do chores will go a long way in adding to your years.

Lower blood pressure

Helping and supporting others lowers your blood pressure and keeps your heart healthy. In turn, those you’ve helped and supported are likely to return the favour when you are in need.

Lift your mood

When you help someone, it makes you feel good. For a few moments you are able to lessen another person’s problem. You soon realise your own problems are not so bad. You are inspired to keep positive and move forward. Besides, being generous or giving to others, is about doing good at the end of the day. The more good you do, the more good you will attract into your life. Keep giving generously!