Why contracting an STI is easier than you think


Whenever sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are mentioned, it is normal to assume that unprotected sex must’ve taken place – but the truth is, there are various ways that you can contract a STI – even when there was no sexual penetration. Because STIs are viruses and bacteria, it means that they can thrive almost anywhere. Here’s how they can be spread without penetration:

Oral sex

Oral sex is also known as “foreplay”, and is assumed to be safer compared to sexual intercourse – but without the use of a condom it is just as risky and you canget a STI, like type 1 herpessyphilis, and HPV

Dry humping 

Dry humping is the act of rubbing your body against your partner’s body for sexual pleasure. When you’re dry humping without any clothes on, it’s possible to get a STI if your partner’s infected skin rubs against yours.


Bodily fluids are usually exchanged during this act of intimacy, so if your partner has cold sores or herpes, that’s another way that you can catch it too.

Sharing sharp objects

Sharing sharp objects like blades and needles is another way of transferring an STI from one person to another. These sharp objects can easily carry something as serious as hepatitis or HIV if they’re not cleaned, sterilised or disinfected properly. 

Moist towels

STIs, live and thrive in moist and warm environments – which makes it possible for them to be contracted through the use of moist towels. The “tritch” infection, is known for this. 

Although they’re called sexually transmitted infections, it’s important to know that STIs can be transmitted in other ways that have nothing to do with sex. Of course, this is not to scare you Choma, but to make you aware of the ways STIs are contracted.

For the most part, STIs are treatable so you should not feel ashamed if you contract one and need to get treatment. Anyone can contract a STI and it’s important to know and understand this if you should contract one yourself. When getting treatment for a STI, know that you’re not the first person to get this and you won’t be the last so you don’t have to feel weird about it. However, knowing this also means that you should understand how to keep yourself safe and always use a condom when you’re having sex. It’s the responsible thing to do, for your sake and your partner’s.

For more information and help on STIs, read:

STI screenings – The Ins and Outs

6 Ways STIs affect women differently to men

Preventing STI reinfection

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).