Why do we love bad boys?

There’s something about a guy who is confident and looks like he just doesn’t care. He does what he wants, when he wants it – and for some reason that makes you want him even more. What is it about bad boys that we love so much, chomas?

Bad boys have a bad reputation. When others talk about them, they usually talk about how much trouble they are. In the back of your mind you might know that he is no good for you, but that makes him even more irresistible. Here’s why we think that smart girls love bad boys so much.

The Chase:

Bad boys are the type of guys who seem like they could have any girl. This is one of the reasons why you would want him to choose you. You feel better about yourself knowing that, out of any girl he could have, you are the one he wants to be with. Even if he were to cheat, you would still feel like you win because you’re his main chick. Besides, a guy who is hard to get seems so sexy.

The Challenge:

Bad boys are a constant challenge. Your main goal is to figure him out and to learn his game. Maybe you think you can tame him. A lot of the times us girls date a guy thinking that we can change his ways. Even when we see that our efforts are not working, we keep trying, hoping that time will soften him. Bad boys always turn out to be lots of hard work.

The Thrill:

Many young girls feel like bad boys bring out the wild side in them. Bad boys are always getting us into trouble, and sometimes the thought that we could get into trouble at any moment is more exciting. We’re always on edge with a bad boy.

Let’s get real for a moment tho sisters. Bad boys are not good for us. They leave us hanging at the end of a string, hoping that he would not leave us, cheat on us or hurt us. Even though there are some good times with a bad boy, they are not worth all the bad times.

Some of the bad boys that girls like are fighters. They go around threatening to beat others up. For a short while that may make you feel secure and protected, but what happens when he turns around and starts to fight you? Dating a bad boy is always a huge risk.

You can get fun and excitement from a relationship where a guy respects you and respects himself. He doesn’t have to be a bad boy for you to have a great time with him. Truth is, you will have a much better time with someone who is kind and loving instead of someone who is dangerous.

Tell us chomas, have you ever dated a bad boy? What was your experience?