Why you CAN fall pregnant on your period

It might sound strange Choma, but did you know that falling pregnant while on your period is possible? It’s a topic that has sparked quite a lot of questions from all my chomas, so let me break it down a bit more. Here’s why you can fall pregnant from having unprotected sex on your period.

Let’s start with your menstruation cycle. Typically, your menstruation cycle would last for 28 to 30 days, this means that there are 28 to 30 days between the first day of your last period and the day before your next period. During your menstruation cycle there are a few phases. Since a 28-day cycle is the most common, I’ll use that timeline as an example.

Phase 1 is your Menstruating Phase (when you start your period) this phase usually lasts up to 5 days.

Phase 2 is your Follicular Phase. It also starts on the first day of your period and lasts up to 13 days. This is the phase where the egg (from your ovaries) starts to grow and mature (in preparation for a baby).

Phase 3 is the Ovulation Phase, where the mature egg is now released from your ovaries into your fallopian tube. This usually happens on day 14. The egg will wait for about 24 hours to be fertilized by sperm. If you had unprotected sex just before this phase (within the last week) and didn’t use any other form of contraceptive, you could likely fall pregnant during this phase.

If no sperm reaches the egg, causing the egg to remain unfertilized, then the egg will be broken down with the rest of your uterine lining during the last phase called the Luteal Phase. This phase starts on day 15 and lasts up to day 28. After day 28 your next period starts.

But let’s say your menstruation cycle is not the typical 28 days but is actually only 20 to 24 days and your period lasts longer (6 or 7 days), then having unprotected sex towards the end of your period can result in pregnancy. This is because, instead of starting 14 days after the start of your period, your ovulation phase could start on day 10. And because sperm can live in your body for up to 3 days (sometimes 5), you could fall pregnant just a few days later as a result of having unprotected sex on your period.

So while falling pregnant as a result of having sex during your period is actually really rare Choma, it is still possible. It all depends on your cycle.

Having unprotected sex at any time is a risk because, apart from pregnancy, you also risk contracting Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), including HIV. Remember to wear a condom every time you have sex and speak to your healthcare practitioner about other options for contraceptives.

You can read more myths about your period here.

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