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4 ways you can turn failure into success


Failure is a normal part of life and everyone experiences it at some point. A mistake that people make is giving up when they fail at something instead of learning from the that experience and trying again. Failure can teach you some valuable lessons that can help you succeed. Here’s how you can turn failure into success.

Redefine the meaning of failure

Often, when people fail at something, they feel defeated and afraid to try again. Looking at failure this way can set you back. It’s important to start looking at failure as a lesson and hurdle that you can move on from.

Figure out what went wrong

Having the will to try again after failing is great, but you first need to look at what went wrong so that you won’t make the same mistakes again. Understand the reasons you failed at something so that you can find the necessary solutions. This doesn’t mean that you have to obsess over what went wrong, just write down your mistakes and what you’re going to do to rectify them.

Find someone you can look up to

A lot of successful people have gone through failure and challenges. Find someone whose story resonates with you and use them as motivation. You can collect quotes from them or follow them on social media to help you stay inspired. It helps to know that there’s someone out there who was once in your shoes.

Don’t let failure define you

Failing at something doesn’t mean you’re incapable of succeeding. Don’t let your failures make you doubt your own abilities. Remember that this happens to most people and it doesn’t make you any less capable of making your dreams a reality.

Seeing failure as part of the journey to success can help you succeed. Remember that it’s okay for your life to move at a different pace from other people’s lives. The only person you need to prove yourself to, is you.

Remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).


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