We show other people kindness, but we rarely show the same kindness to ourselves. It feels good when someone is kind to us, but have we really thought about the impact of being kind to ourselves? Answer the questions below to see whether or not you’re being kind to yourself.
Do you invest in yourself?
If you set time aside to do things that can improve you or your life, then you’re being kind to yourself. Whether it’s pursuing your studies, reading a book, starting a new hobby, or simply taking care of your health – investing in yourself makes you feel happier and more at peace with who you are.
Do you say nice things to yourself?
Sometimes your inner voice can bring you down more than anyone else. Get into the habit of dismissing it by saying good things to yourself. If you’ve made a mistake or a bad decision, tell yourself that it was a lesson learned and it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re a failure or that you’re unable to do better. Be your biggest fan and root for yourself every chance you get.
Do you destress?
Doing activities that help you destress is essential in practicing being kinder to yourself. Go for a walk, talk to a loved one about things that are bothering you, spend time alone, do things that make you feel calmer. This will definitely change your outlook on life and help you develop a stronger sense of self, which is something we can’t do when we’re living in an ongoing cycle of stress.
Do you show yourself appreciation?
Showing yourself appreciation for even the smallest milestones is absolutely necessary. This can encourage you to do better and improve in different areas of your life. Make it a daily habit to appreciate yourself, and give yourself a pat on the back for your achievements. You deserve it!
If you were able to answer yes to the questions above, it means that you’re able to be kind to yourself, which plays a huge role in being happier and more positive. Continue taking care of the relationship with yourself and building a positive sense of self. If you’ve realised you’re not being very kind to yourself, then it’s not too late to start.
If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).