There are certain things that you won’t get right the first time and although this can be a challenge to overcome, failing at something shouldn’t define you. Here’s why.
It doesn’t determine your abilities
Not doing well at something doesn’t mean you don’t have the ability to succeed at that particular thing. It means that you have to find another way of doing the same thing or spend more time figuring it out, while working on correcting the mistakes you made the first time around. For example, if you’ve fail a specific subject in school, you’ll need to figure out what went wrong and think about solutions to the issue so that you can try again.
Failing doesn’t mean that you’re a failure
Not succeeding at something the first time around doesn’t mean you’re a failure – it means you’re trying and that’s always a good thing. We can’t improve ourselves or change our circumstances if we don’t try. So, if at first you don’t succeed, remember that you have the opportunity to try again and again, until you get it right.
Everyone fails
As long as you’re trying out new things, you’re sure to hit a few stumbling blocks along the way. Everyone experiences failure, one way or another, and the difference is how we react to it. You can find comfort in the fact that most people who become great at something go through struggles and a few failures before getting to their goal.
Failure is character-building
If you look at failure as something positive, you’ll realise that it develops your character. When you’re able to acknowledge the lessons in failure and use them to try again, it’s a sign that the experience has taught you something valuable.
It’s an opportunity to do better
Choose to see failure as an opportunity to do better. Let it be the stepping stone to your success, instead of a reason to quit. Your dreams aren’t always going to be easy to achieve, but with a lot of time and effort, you’ll get there.
Failure isn’t easy to deal with and it can be very difficult to pick yourself up and work up the courage to try again after you’ve failed at something. Just remember that this is an unavoidable part of life and it can teach you a lot of valuable lessons. So, don’t give up, Choma – keep going for your goals.
Remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).