“It’s perfectly okay to admit you’re not okay.” Have you been having anxiety due to being unemployed?
Don’t panic, here are six tips to help you overcome the anxiety of unemployment:
Talk to your family and friends
Never be anxious about telling people you’re seeking for employment. You use an advantageous asset, your social circle, as you tell others about this knowledge. Your circle of relatives and close friends are the individuals who care most about your accomplishments since you cannot predict which companies are employing. So, talk to them to let them know if you require their assistance in building further connections.
Use the power of social media
Social media is your friend if used properly. Consider creating a LinkedIn account (or any other social media platform where professionals interact) and list your accomplishments and indicate that you are open for a new role in your field of expertise. This will give you exposure to a wide network and hopefully land you the dream opportunity you are looking for.
Is a proven method for lowering anxiety and enhancing wellbeing. Training with weights, in along with aerobics, not only increases muscular mass but also boosts self-assurance which is important as you get ready for interviews and develop your marketing capabilities/ how to sell yourself. To stimulate your circulatory system flowing and enhance your attitude on the long term, make it a goal to exercise for a full hour every day.
There are several advantages to volunteering your time. Notwithstanding the reality that you have been unemployed, it is a great way to keep your mind sharp, develop new abilities, stay effective, maintain a schedule, and be aware of your own achievements. Additionally, it provides you with an appropriate answer to the question “So what have you accomplished before you left your previous job?” from an employer. Working as a volunteer is frequently treated equally by companies as paid employment.
Strive to be proactive & efficient
Don’t surrender to the urge to withdraw within yourself. Opportunity is provided by other individuals, therefore make sure you’re active in the community and involved in interests and tasks that maintain you renewed, concentrated, and creative. You cannot predict which chance connection will result in a future employment or referral. But if you stay at home all day, it won’t occur.
Venture into starting a small business
When it comes to employment, one could consider creative methods to make money. For example, you could start your own cleaning, ironing or washing clothes business. You could also learn how to cook, bake, sew and promote your skills and products through door-to-door advertising. You could charge clients by hourly rates and expand your business if required by employing additional staff members and investing in their schooling. You may grow items, do vegetable gardening, tutor students, write assignments, plait hair for individuals, and other activities besides housekeeping. Simply consider your strengths and use them to your advantage to advance professionally and financially. Is that not a great idea Choma?
If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, , an Instagram message , a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).