How to Practice Safe Sex With Your Partner

Safe sex is any sexual contact that protects you and your sexual partner against sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancy. It doesn’t involve the exchange of body fluids like semen, vaginal fluids, or blood with anyone you have sex with.

Negotiate condom use with your partner before you have sex

Using condoms (both male and female condoms) protects both parties from sexually transmissible infections (STIs), including HIV infection. Negotiating condom use as soon as you are both ready to have sex empowers both parties to be in control of the sexual encounter, and is the greatest expression of caring in the relationship.

Get tested for STIs.

If you have an STI or suspect that you might have one, get tested. You can do this by going to your nearest clinic for a test and it is free. Remember to avoid sexual contact until you receive medical advice that you are no longer infectious. It is also a good idea to test for STIs regularly and before you have unprotected sex in the relationship to protect each other from any unknown infections you might pass on unknowingly.

Have sex when you’re ready.

If someone is pressuring you to have sex or makes you feel uncomfortable, tell them. By law, sex must be consensual, which also means respecting others’ decisions when they say ‘no’ or if they are too out of it to give consent. Remember that any sex without consent is rape.

No sex when you’re under the influence.

Avoid sex if you are affected by drugs and alcohol. It can cloud your judgment and you might do things you later regret.


Use other types of contraception in addition to a condom to avoid unplanned pregnancy.

It’s a good idea to avoid sex if your sexual partner:

has a discharge, sores, cuts, ulcers, blisters, warts, or rashes around their genitals, mouth, or anus.

has unhealed or inflamed piercings in their mouth or genitals.

Sex should be enjoyable. Safer sex means sexual contact when you and your partner are ready. Any form of sex needs to be consensual, and you should feel respected and protected.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, an  Instagram message, a  Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).