Let’s talk about cervical health

Every woman should make taking care of their cervical health a priority. This isn’t always possible as most women have limited access to sexual reproductive health information and services. If you want to learn more about cervical health, take a look below.

What is the Cervix?

The cervix is a tissue (group of cells) situated between the lower part of your uterus and your vagina. Your cervix can be seen from the inside of your vagina during a gynaecological exam, e.g. pap smear. Depending on where you are in your monthly cycle, your cervix changes position and texture.

Why you should take care of your Cervix?

As early as 12 years old, it is advised that you should be taking care of your cervix. This is because from puberty, first pregnancy and a few weeks after giving birth, your cervical cells are very vulnerable to changes and cancer-causing infections such as Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).

When you don’t take care of your cervix properly, you run the risk of developing conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and even cervical cancer.

Here are ways to take care of your Cervix:

Sexual health screening – medical professionals advise that you get regular sexual health screenings as soon as you become sexually active. This is important because you can get tested for, prevent and treat conditions early on before they can develop into serious cervical illnesses.

Practice safe sex – Always use condoms during sex to prevent yourself from getting infected with sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It’s suggested that you use female condoms  because they protect the inside of the vagina and the vulva from STIs like HPV

Practice proper vaginal hygiene – Keep in mind that your cervix is connected to your vagina, meaning that if your vagina isn’t taken care of, your cervix is likely to suffer as well. I encourage you to practice proper vaginal hygiene by simply using clean water to cleanse it.

Strengthen your immunity – Your immune system is important in maintaining general and cervical health. Strengthen your immunity by eating a balanced, nutritious diet and getting regular exercise.

Where can I get more information?

Visit your local clinic, private doctor, or Marie Stopes for more information on how to take care of your cervical health.

While your cervix is a vulnerable area, it can be kept healthy with proper care by simply following the guidelines I have provided. If you’ve never gone for any sexual health screenings before, it isn’t too late to get one. Simply go to your nearest local clinic or private doctor to get checked. If you have any other sexual health concerns, feel free to chat to me.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).