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Repeating a grade? Here’s help


Repeating a grade can be really discouraging, but remember that it’s not the end – you can still achieve your desired results. Many people have repeated a grade and have gone on to finish school and excel in life. Here’s how you can overcome this challenge.

Accept the outcome of your results

I know it’s not easy, but accepting your reality is the first step. Remember that it doesn’t mean that you’re not smart, it simply means that you need more time to master the grade. Accept your results but don’t let them be a measure of your intelligence. Instead, use them to push you into doing better.

Learn from failure

Think about reasons you didn’t make it through to the next grade. Focus on the subjects that you struggle with more and try to avoid making the same mistakes. Learn from your failure by allowing it to drive you into achieving better results.

Get help from your teachers and parents

Your teachers are your best resources in school so don’t be afraid to ask them for help.

It’s also a good idea to speak to your parents or guardian about your struggles in school so they can assist where possible. You need all the support you can get, Choma.

Take care of your mental health

Repeating a grade can be overwhelming and hard to cope with. If you’re finding it hard to accept the outcome of your results, I strongly suggest that you reach out for professional help. You can contact Lifeline on 011 422 4242 OR 0861 322 322 for counselling.

A lot of people have repeated a grade, there’s no shame in that. Don’t let that discourage you and make you feel like you’ll never get it right. Let it be a lesson learned that makes you work harder and smarter this time around. You’ve got this!

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).


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