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Self-care when you’re living with HIV


Testing positive for HIV can be overwhelming  since you may have to make a few lifestyle changes.  This doesn’t mean that you have to neglect you self-care routine. Here are a few selfcare tips help you out.

Be HIV positive

Educating yourself about HIV is a big part of your self-care routine. When you read up about the virus, you’ll learn that improvements in HIV medication have provided infected people with great benefits to their health. Choose to look at all the good things rather than the bad.

Take control of your health

Be proactive and be involved in your treatment process. Work closely with your health care provider and be open to asking questions and sharing your concerns. This way, your treatment will suit your needs and you’ll have all the info you need.

Take care of your mental health

Your mental health can impact your general well-being, in a big way! Surround yourself with people who have a positive perspective on life. Keep a thought journal where you can record true and positive qualities about yourself.

Don’t be shy to join a support group. Support groups are great because they offer you a safe space where you can chat freely with other people who are also living with HIV. This way you’re not only caring for your physical health, you’re also caring for your mental health.

Develop healthy habits

Eating right and keeping active are important for everyone! Try to eat fresh fruit and vegetables daily, exercise, take walks or participate in sports. Your body will thank you for that.

Practising safe sex is very important as well. Use condoms everytime you have sex and if you’re in a relationship, invite your partner to chat about ways to practise safer sex..

Connect with your loved ones

Your loved ones form a huge part of your life. They’re people you depend on for emotional support, so it’s okay to share your experiences with family or friends that you trust. Having someone to talk to about your frustrations or victories can make you feel supported and give them the opportunity to understand you better.

Remember that you’re worthy of a long and fulfilled life, so whenever you feel overwhelmed and run down, look at these self-care tips to help you get back on track.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).


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