One of the most difficult decisions you may have to make in your relationship is whether to give your cheating partner a second chance. This decision is especially difficult if your partner lied to you, manipulated you, or made a fool of you. The decision to accept a cheating partner is a decision that only you should make. Here’s what to consider
Look at the red flags
Although the choice is yours, it’s important to be mindful of red flags to avoid your partner cheating on you again.
Health risks
Health risks should be considered. Your partner engaging in sexual activity (including oral sex) with more than one person at a time, puts you at a higher risk of contracting STIs. Your priority should be to protect yourself.
Understand your feelings
There are a lot of emotions that come with being cheated on, from feeling hurt and angry, to feeling frustration, confusion, and even denial. Take your time processing what has happened to you. There’s no need to rush to make a decision about your relationship until you feel strong enough to make the best decision for you. Always remember your worth, Choma.
Be real
Most people who have been cheated on take it personally. You may blame yourself or believe that if you were somehow different or better this would not have happened. But that isn’t true. Your self-worth should not be tied to your partner’s views of you. Your partner’s cheating doesn’t reflect the person you are, and it’s NEVER your fault.
If you decide to give your partner a second chance, it’s advisable to emphasize that you won’t accept the unhealthy behaviour again. Set healthy boundaries on what is acceptable and what isn’t.
It’s also a good idea to take time to think about everything before you take back your cheating partner
No one can tell you what to do when your partner has cheated or has betrayed you. Only you will know what the right choice for your situation is. Never compromise your worth.
Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).