Loving yourself forms a big part of your happiness and moulds how you interact with the world. Confidence is an important part to loving yourself. When you are not confident in yourself, it can be hard to move forward and feel good about who you are. Here are some steps to help you to love yourself:
Be Kind To Yourself.
Mind your language in your self-talk. Don’t call yourself mean things like unworthy, or useless because the mind tends to believe everything, we say to it. Words and thoughts have the power to create the situations they express; therefore it is important to talk positively to ourselves and about ourselves when no one else is listening. Celebrate yourself every day because you’ve come so far.
Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
Comparison is one of the biggest enemies of self-love. When you compare yourself to others, you start being discouraged and start thinking you’re not good enough. Rather focus on your own journey and run your own race. Celebrate your success without worrying about what others have achieved. Everyone has their own life experiences, so try not to dwell on what other people are doing.
Don’t Expect Others to Make You Happy
It’s important to remember that you don’t need anyone else to make you happy but you. When you learn to love yourself and find contentment within, you will not rely on the validation or approval from others. The happiness they may bring will just be a bonus because you are your own happiness.
Don’t Base Your Worth On What Others Think Of You.
It’s easy to get caught up in the opinions of others, but it’s important to remember that their thoughts and feelings about you don’t define you. Everyone has their own thoughts, beliefs, and values, so try not to take what they say too personally because it will affect you negatively.
Accept Your Flaws.
Nobody is perfect, and that’s the first thing you should accept. Embrace your flaws. They are part of what makes you unique. Acknowledge that the pressure society puts on us to be perfect is unfair and unrealistic.
Put Yourself First.
Don’t feel bad about doing this, sometimes we can grow accustomed to putting others first. Although sometimes it can be necessary, it shouldn’t be a habit that costs you your mental or emotional well-being. Find the time to unwind, whether it’s spending the day in bed, being outdoors or treating yourself to a solo date. Find what helps you feel good and dedicate time to it.
Remember that self-love may not happen overnight. But with time, it will settle itself into your heart and you will see the treasure in you.
If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, , an Instagram message , a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).