As young ladies, we all know that vaginal discharge is a fact of life, and we may not even think twice about it. But what is discharge actually, and how can you tell what is normal, or what may be a sign of a problem? We will be looking at the role of vaginal discharge and when it’s time to see a healthcare provider.
What is Vaginal Discharge?
The fluid that flows from inside your vagina is known as vaginal discharge. Every day, fluid flows out of the vagina. This is an entirely natural process that your body uses to keep your vagina healthy and clean.
Recognizing Normal and Abnormal Discharge
Discharge is different from one girl to the next. Some girls have discharge every day, while others have it just sometimes. Normal vaginal discharge is normally transparent or milky, with a faint odour that is neither unpleasant nor foul smelling. It’s also important to understand that vaginal discharge changes throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle.
However, outside of the natural changes related to your cycle, some changes may be abnormal. Your discharge may indicate an imbalance of good bacteria in your vagina, which can be a sign that something is wrong.
An increase in the amount of discharge, as well as a change in colour, odour, or texture, could mean a problem. Other symptoms may include discomfort, itching, or burning in or around your vagina.
When to See Your Healthcare Provider
Because every girl is different, it’s important to pay attention to your vaginal discharge. You will learn to recognise what is normal for you and what may be a sign that something is wrong, especially if you have other symptoms as well.
Only you understand your body. If you have vaginal discharge that doesn’t seem normal for you (with or without other symptoms), consult your healthcare provider.
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