What is the dual protection method?

No method of contraception is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy, but some are more reliable in reducing your chances of falling pregnant and contracting STIs. The dual protection method prevents against falling pregnant while also protecting you against STIs, including HIV. Here’s more.

When people don’t know how the dual protection method works, they’re more likely to experience unplanned pregnancy or STI infection. This method involves using a male/female condom, which is used to prevent STI infection and pregnancy, with another highly effective contraceptive method, like the pill, patch, IUD or injection, which further prevents unplanned pregnancy. The method makes sure you’ve got extra protection.

Why should you consider this method?

Many couples stop using condoms once they’ve been committed to each other for a while. Some believe this is a sign of deeper intimacy and trust, but I strongly advise against this, Choma. Trust has nothing to do with the importance of protecting yourself and your health.

Regardless of your relationship status, or the nature of your relationship, it’s important to think about using condoms and a contraceptive method to protect yourself against unplanned/unwanted pregnancy and STIs. This method also gives you peace of mind, knowing that you’re doing the best you can to protect yourself.

Hormonal birth control is currently the most effective, reversible method of birth control when used correctly, but it only has an average percentage of 92% in terms of effectiveness when used alone, and condoms are only 98% effective, when used alone.

Using a condom with a birth control method like the pill, IUD, patch or injection, ensures that you’re protected in situations where you may miss a dose. It’s also important to make sure you get tested for pregnancy, STIs and HIV if either contraceptive method fails.

Using the dual contraceptive method can protect you and your partner against unplanned pregnancies and STI infection. Condoms and certain types of contraceptives are easily available at local clinics for free. You can always talk to your healthcare provider about your contraceptive options. Protecting yourself and your partner should always be a priority, so use a condom every single time you have sex, no matter what your partner says. After all, safe sex is the best sex.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).