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What to do if your partner isn’t ready for a baby


Being a young couple comes with a lot of challenges that you and your partner can always work through. But as soon as you find out you are pregnant, a lot can change in the relationship – especially if you and your partner don’t seem to agree on parenthood. 

This is what you have to consider if you’re pregnant and your partner is not ready for a baby.

Make the right decision for yourself 

When you realise that your partner doesn’t want to be a part of the baby’s life, you’d have to come to terms with the fact that you might be a single partner. It’s important that whatever decision you make from here on, that it’s a decision that you can live with and that will make you happy in the long run. It’s your body and therefore your choice at the end of the day. 

Consider your finances 

Infants are really expensive and if you’re young and dependant on your parent or guardian, then providing for the baby will be hard. However, it is possible with the help of your parents/caregiver, the government (social grant) and the law (maintenance).

Raising the baby alone

It is possible that your partner might change their mind regarding the situation but you shouldn’t focus on this or hold onto this thought. Because on the other hand, they might never want to be part of your child’s life. This realisation might be extremely difficult to come to terms with, and could affect your relationship with your partner, but like I said Choma, you need to focus on doing what is best for you. 

Get a strong support system

When you’re about to be a parent, having a solid support system is very important. Whether your partner is ready for a baby or not, you need to have a strong support system to help you cope with the pregnancy and raising the baby. 

Your friends, family, teachers or community leaders can be your support structure. But you can also join online support groups.

If you’re about to be a young parent, it is not going to be easy at all and it is normal for you to feel all sorts of emotions – especially if your partner isn’t ready to be a parent.

But I need you to know that being a young parent doesn’t mean that your future is ruined because you can still get educated when you know your rights, and you can still give your child a bright future. 

You can still achieve all of your dreams and goals if you work on them, having a baby at a young age doesn’t have to change your destiny. 

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).


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