Sometimes, life can get overwhelming, and you may end up feeling like the best solution is to end it. However, suicide isn’t a solution, Choma – there are people who love and appreciate you, who can help you get through this tough time. Here’s where you can get help if you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts.
What causes suicidal thoughts?
A lot of circumstances can trigger suicidal thoughts. For example, a traumatic or overwhelming experience, abuse or failure at something. Depression is a common cause of suicidal thoughts, which means that it’s important to get help for it if you’re feeling depressed and/or anxious.
Dealing with these thoughts
Don’t beat yourself up about feeling like this. Understand that you’re possibly feeling this way because of a mental illness, which can be treated. You can get professional help and lean on the people around you. If there’s no one else for you to speak to, remember that I’m here to help.
Where to get help
Cipla SADAG Mental Health Line: You can contact this helpline for telephonic counselling on 0800 4567 789 or you can send them a WhatsApp message on 076 88 22 775. For a suicidal emergency, call 0800 567 567.
Lifeline SA: If you need to talk to someone, you can contact Lifeline for telephonic counselling on 0861 322 322.
Adcock Ingram Depression and Anxiety Helpline: This helpline offers emotional support if you’re in distress or having suicidal thoughts. You can contact them on 0800 70 80 90.
South Africa Suicide Crisis Helpline: South Africa Suicide Crisis Helpline is a mental health support group that you can contact if you’re feeling overwhelmed and are having suicidal thoughts. Their contact numbers are 0800 21 22 23 and 0800 12 13 14.
Akeso Psychiatric Response Unit: You can contact the Akeso Psychiatric Response Unit if you’re in an emergency mental health situation by calling 0861 435 787.
Talking to someone you trust about how you feel can help you get the support you need right now. A lot of people suffer from depression and can manage it by reaching out for professional help. Don’t suffer alone, know that help is available for you and you can overcome this.
If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).