Smoking tobacco or nicotine is incredibly harmful to your health. There’s no safe way to smoke and replacing your cigarette with a cigar, pipe, hubby or vape won’t help you avoid the health risks. Here’s more.
You smell like smoke
If you smoke, you’ve probably become used to the smell and don’t realise how strong it is. You may not feel it, but it’s there and often that smoky odour stays on your clothes and belongings.
Loss of smell and taste
Smoking can dull or damage your taste buds. When you smoke, you end up missing out on the unique taste of many foods. You’ll find that those who don’t smoke, generally enjoy their meals more than those who do. Smoking also affects your smell, which contributes to the taste of foods.
Premature ageing
Did you know that smoking speeds up the normal ageing process of your skin. This can contribute to wrinkles, dark marks and other changes to the appearance of your face and body.
Increase infection
Smoking is one of the main risk factors for infections in the respiratory tract, digestive tract and reproductive tract. It also increases your risks of being infected with lung cancer, strokes, heart disease, diabetes, asthma and it can disrupt your entire digestive system.
You’re a danger to others
First-hand smoking and second-hand smoke (being around someone while smoking) both cause serious health effects. While directly smoking is worse, both have impact health. Smoking next to a people around you can harm their health. Just 30 minutes of exposure to second-hand smoke can cause heart damage, similar to that of an everyday smoker.
Impact on physical activity
Smoking affects many aspects of our bodies, including our physical endurance. If you smoke, you get less oxygen in your heart, lungs, and muscles. This reduces your physical fitness, and you may find yourself struggling with basic fitness activities such as walking up stairs.
It’s pricey
Smoking is an expensive habit to maintain. A minimum legal retail price for cigarettes is R28 per pack, which means a pack-a-day habit sets you back over R800 a month. The money smokers spend each day on cigarettes could be better spent on essential items.
Quitting smoking is one of the most important actions you can take to improve your health. Even if you’ve been smoking for years, it’s never too late to quit. You can chat to me here if you need support, or reach out to the following organisations:
CANSA e-Kick Butt Programme – sign up here.
National Council Against Smoking, NCAS on 011 720 3145 or via WhatsApp on 072 766 4812.
If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).